Finance Lead @ Alan SA

I was in charge of most finance-related topics at Alan.

Alan is the first digital health insurance company in Europe, and the first new independent insurance licensed in France since 1986 by the French Prudential Supervisory Authority (ACPR). We have raised over 400 M€ (including 40 M€ in 2019 at Series B, 50M€ in 2020 at Series C, 185M€ in 2021 at Series D and 183M€ in 2022 at Series E) with top-notch investors such as Coatue, Index Ventures, Temasek, TVG.

Finance (responsibility : full scope)
– Scaled our processes from 30 to 500+ employees
– Distributed payment means for employees through virtual cards and dedicated access for wire requests
– Negotiation of the key provider contracts (IT providers, health data concentrator, etc.)
– Support our product teams to set up the right financial processes

Accounting (responsibility : full scope)
– Accounts closing
– Financial audit
– Lead the accounting internalisation project (switching from an external accountant to a in-house NetSuite integration)
– Reduced accounts closing time from D+30 to D+1 through the automation of most accounting entries

Financial data (responsibility : full scope)
– Automatic retrieval of our financial data from our bank accounts
– Automatic tagging for analytical and accounting purposes
– Monthly financial reporting to investors

Budget (responsibility : full scope)
– 2019 and 2020 budget

International (responsibility : full scope)
– Setting up accounting and finance processes for subsidiaries in Spain and Belgium
– Support of our M&A in the US
– Lead finance/admin integration of a US entity

Fundraising (responsibility : contributor)
– Participated in 4 fundraisings (Series B – follower / Series C, D and E – significant contributor)